Karakalpak State University

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At KSU there has been held a meeting on the theme “Rector and Youth”

Today, on January 22, a meeting on the topic “Rector and Youth” was held at Karakalpak State University named after…

A new modern 400-seat students’ hostel was put into operation at KSU

On January 15, at Berdakh Karakalpak State University, there was held a solemn event dedicated to the commissioning of a…

January 11th is the International Day of Protected Areas and National Parks

Every year, January 11th is marked as the “International Day of Protected Areas and National Parks”. This date has been…

The “Green Space” campaign was held at the Faculty of Biology

After the announcement of important long-term tasks at a meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the President…

At KSU there has been held the Congress of Academicians and Youth under the name “Academicians and youth: development of science is created by young people!”

On November 7, at Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, dedicated to the memory of Academician Bekhzod Sodikovich Yuldashev, there…

“Islohotlar bilimdoni” respublika ilmiy-ma’rifiy ko‘rik-tanlovi

Joriy yilning 20-oktyabr kuni Berdaq nomidagi Qoraqalpoq davlat universiteti pedagog xodimlari va talabalari o‘rtasida “Islohotlar bilimdoni” mavzusida keng tarmoqli respublika…

At Karakalpak State University there was held a student card handing ceremony for 1-year students admitted for the 2024-2025 academic year

On september 20 of this year, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh held a student card handing ceremony for 1-year…

Information seminar in Nukus

On September 9 of this year, an informational seminar was held in the city of Nukus of the Republic of…


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