Currently 185 foreign citizens are studying at the Karakalpak state university. 127 of them have been accepted in 2018-2019 academic year. 184 of them are the citizens of Turkmenistan, one of them is from Kazakhstan.
Foreign students at the faculties:
Bachelor full-time:
Faculty of Uzbek philology-96 foreign students;
Faculty of Foreign language-30 foreign students;
Faculty of Physical Culture-13 foreign students;
Faculty of Biology-11 foreign students;
Faculty of geography and natural resources-3 foreign students;
Faculty of Mathematics-14 foreign students;
Faculty of Physics-1 foreign student;
Faculty of History-5 foreign students;
Faculty of Architecture-2 foreign students;
Faculty of Chemistry-5 foreign students,
Bachelor Special Correspondence course:
Faculty of Biology-2 foreign students;
Faculty of History-2 foreign students;
Master study:
On the specialization of Physical Culture-1 foreign student.