For the people who have developed wisdom over the centuries, who valued of the mosque and madrasah, which were the centers of knowledge, who kept priceless historical and cultural monuments as well as unique art, Karakalpak State University is one of the great and sacred places. The university today has become an integral reflection of the political, economic, spiritual, psychological, social and cultural life of the republic.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh as one of the centers of science, education, upbringing, spirituality, sport and culture, serves for even greater prosperity and development of our Independent Republic. The university is considered one of the main educational institutions for the preparation of highly qualified specialists, which form the main force of a society with highly intellectual abilities, consciously perceiving the ongoing socio-economic changes in the world and the state, spiritually rich young people.
During its 43-year history, the university has become one of the leading universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Outstanding results were achieved in the field of education, the development of science, the enrichment of the spiritual world of young people, education in the spirit of patriotism, and loyalty to national values and national culture. Paying attention with a sense of pride and gratitude to the educational history of the establishment, its current state, the progress achieved, it is necessary to recall people who, through their hard work and continuous research, made a great contribution to the development and organization of the university.
The rapid development of the economy and culture of the republic, the need for specialists in various fields increased the requirements for opening Karakalpak State University. The question of the transformation of Karakalpak State Pedagogical Institute into Karakalpak State University was raised in the late 1950s. The question of opening of Karakalpak State University on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute was raised at the 16th conference (11-12 January 1958) of the committee of the regional party of Karakalpakstan by the rector of the pedagogical institute, academician S. Kamalov.
Starting from the second half of the 1960s, the leaders of the government of Karakalpakstan began to organize the university on the basis of a pedagogical institute. As a result of the labor-consuming actions of the leaders of the Republic and the administration of the Pedagogical Institute, the adoption of the Decree of the Central Committee of February 26, 1974 “On the opening of Nukus State University” was achieved. On the basis of this Decree, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the former Union was announced in 1974, on May 7 of the same year – the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, May 21 – Decree of the Government of Uzbekistan. On June 14, 1974, the Government of Karakalpakstan adopted the Decree “On the organization of Nukus State University”.
Karakalpak State University began its functioning as an educational institution from September 1, 1976. Before Karakalpak State University became one of the leading universities in our country, it conducted its activities as a former department of the preparatory institute (1934), the institute of teachers (1935), a pedagogical institute (1944). By the decree of Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 1992, Karakalpak State University named after T.G. Shevchenko was transformed into Karadalpak State University named after Berdakh. Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh was opened 3rd after Tashkent and Samarkand State universities. The opening of the university was a great historical event throughout the Republic. It had a fundamental influence on the development of education, culture, national economy and production in the region.
The problem of that time was the strengthening of material and technical base of the university, the involvement of teachers with a scientific degree, the provision of necessary textbooks, literature and new lab equipment. In fulfillment of this task, the contribution of the first rector of the university, doctor of medical sciences, academician Chardjow Abdirov (1976-1985) should be noted separately.
In the development of science in Karakalpakstan, in the preparation of candidates of science, in expanding cooperation with central and foreign universities, the contribution of the university rector, doctor of philological sciences, academician M.K. Nurmuhammedov’s is significant. (1985-1986).
In the subsequent development of the university, the contribution of the university rector, doctor of philological sciences, professor K. Mambetov 1986-1988 plays a great role. Thanks to the contribution of the university rector, Professor K. Uteniyazov (1989-2005), a second building and a student dormitory started their functioning, Berdakh National Museum was opened, a specialized Council for the Protection of Candidates and then Doctoral Theses were organized, the specialization of postgraduate studies was expanded, the possibility of raising the qualifications of faculty abroad was set.
In 2005-2012 during the time when doctor of biological sciences, professor Azat Matchanov worked as a rector of university, the master department has been established and “Herald of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh” was created. From the side of the next rector M.Jumanov the provision of technical database, modern equipment and information technologies and some new specialties have been established.
In June of 2017 as an experienced candidate, the doctor of technical sciences Akhmed Reymov has been elected for the position of the rector of Karakalpak State university. On the basis of the Presidential decree about “Measures on further development of the higher education system” of 20 April of 2017 the strengthening of university’s international partnership with Academies of Sciences, the implementation of new pedagogical technologies in the learning process and the preparation of highly-qualified specialists has been done.
During the years of Independence with an ongoing agricultural and industrial development there has been a strong need in experienced specialists in our country. In addition, new specialties for both undergraduate and master degrees have been established, and the number of highly qualified specialists in technology of oil and gas and light industry production, construction of buildings, ichthyology, power engineering production in our university has increased. The establishment of these specialties has been an essential part of professional preparation of specialists to work in giant and prestigious Kungrad soda plant, gas refinement complex “Surgul” in Karakalpakstan.
On the basis of the presidential decree №1533 of May 20th,2011 Karakalpak State university was one among universities in the list of “Program for reconstruction of some selected higher education establishments”. On the basis of this, during the past 3 years, a big amount of budget for the reconstruction of the university was supplied. At present time the main building and 2, 3, 4 buildings of the university, dormitory №1, №2, №3, palace of culture, the library, and a national museum of Berdakh have been reconstructed and given for exploitation. Specifically, a new construction of a “Sport complex” (24 m42m) has been a proof of deep care of our government and an opportunity for the youth to develop physically and spiritually. The decoration of the entrance to the main building has been uniquely designed.
At present time there are all the opportunities for the youth to get a proper education. Modern auditoriums supplied with information technology, lingua phone labs, Wi-Fi zones with free Internet, electronic library, computer rooms, electronic boards have been used by students.
The implementation of Moodle system in the learning process gave a chance for students to spend their time working on themselves. University site has been one among most prestigious study sites of the Republic of Uzbekistan which results in effective use of information technologies in the study process.
A national dance group “Khurliman” has been functioning for over 40 years, nurturing students’ talents and spirit. The group contributes in the spreading of culture, participating in international festivals and special holidays all over the Republic.
In addition, there is a drama school with gifted students in visual arts called “Jaykhun” which has won several Republican awards and contributed enormously in university’s good reputation.
As a symbol of national culture and spiritual values of our nation, a national museum of Berdakh has been the pride of not only our university but the whole country as well.
There is a university newspaper “Karakalpak University” and a radio center for students to be aware of latest scientific and technological news happening in the country as well as in the world.
Provision by the government of all the opportunities for the university students and youth in general have paramount results. Specifically, among the students of our university some have been awarded President, Navoi, Ulughbek scholarships, Government award after Zulfiya, Nikhol award and have been recognized as Republican and international winners, Asia and world champions.
The teaching staff of the university has been succeeding in scientific researching as well. Specifically, 48 doctors of sciences and professors, more than 200 associate professors and docents have been nurturing students. Among them there are professors with high pedagogical competence and scientific creative approach, who have been the winners in various international and Republican contests.
At present time there are 49 undergraduate specialties and 20 master specialties.
The personnel of the university will go on contributing into the future success of our independent society. It is surely worth to admire a totally new look of the university, its wide opportunities, up-to-date facilities and open-minded students.