KSU team is a champion! | | Karakalpak state university

KSU team is a champion!

In our society, large-scale work is being carried out aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle for our people, especially young people, creating conditions corresponding to modern requirements for regular physical training and sports, developing a sense of courage, love and loyalty to our Motherland.

In the period from September 27 to October 1 of the current year, the men’s volleyball championship was held in Karakalpakstan.

National teams from all the regions of our Republic, ministries and higher educational institutions competed in the championship.

As a result of the competition, the first place was taken by the national team of Karakalpak State University, the second place was taken by the team of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, and the third place was taken by the team of the Nukus branch of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.

Winners were awarded by the organizers of the event.

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