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Order portfolio formation, recruitment and monitoring of graduates | Karakalpak state university

Order portfolio formation, recruitment and monitoring of graduates


Head of department:

Naurizbaev Aliakbar Rustamovich


“Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department” works based on Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Law on Education, National Program for Personnel Training, decisions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on provision of qualified personnel for industries of economy, the current Labor Codex and relevant legal and educational documents.

The purpose of “Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department”

Work on the process of developing and implementing specific strategies of the Karakalpak state university in the educational services market and  directing and supervising the process of preparing and distributing bachelor and master’s degrees for future demands of prospective employers, providing incentives for planning and promoting advertising information, facilitating alumni recruitment and placement, and timely preparation for educational services, organization and control of the conclusion of contracts.

Organization, management and monitoring of the “Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department”

  1. The activities of the “Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department” are at the disposal of the Rector of the Karakalpak state university.
  2. The “Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department” reports on the results of its activities to the Academic Council of the Karakalpak state university at least once a year.
  3. The “Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department” provides the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education with relevant information in the prescribed form and terms on its assigned tasks.
  4. The activities of the “”Portfolio Orders formation, Alumni Employment and Monitoring department” department are coordinated by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and monitored according to the established procedure.

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