Academic-methodical administration | Karakalpak state university

Academic-methodical administration


Head of аcademic-methodical administration:

Daumenov Berdaq Aymuratovich


From the first days of acquiring of Independence   special attention is paid to   educational sphere by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result of it today our students have possibilities to get  education, meeting   the world standards, and teachers – to give students quality education and continuously raise qualification. It is the certificate of that laws «On education» and «The National program for personnel training » are successfully realized. The decrees of the President of Uzbekistan, accepted in the latest years and having great value for education system development such as № 1533 «On measures of strengthening of financial – technical base of higher educational institutions and improvement of quality of training of highly qualified personnel», № 1875 «On measures of further improvement of foreign languages learning system», the Decree  № 4456 «On further improvement of system of training and certification of qualified scientific and scientific – pedagogical personnel», the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers № 371 “On introduction of system of rating assessment of higher educational institutions of the Republic»  put big responsible problems  before each employee of education system. The staff of Karakalpak state university with great responsibility and understanding refer to problems, following from solving of these important documents.

Now at university there are 9 faculties, a magistracy department and 41 departments, 625 teachers, students are trained in 47 directions of education of bachelor degree and in 20 directions of education of magistracy.

There are 3 academicians, 40 Doctors of sciences and professors, 242 Candidates of sciences and senior lecturers in professorial-teaching staff. During the latest years at university 7 new educational directions of baccalaureate, 3 new majors of magistracy were opened.  The quality and volume of training in directions of oil and gas refining, technology of processing of production of chemical and light industry, , ichthyology and electric power industry  essentially raised.

   In 2012-2013 academic year in 37 educational directions of  baccalaureate, in 19 educational directions of  magistracy 1610 students graduated. Last year 2 students became winners of state stipends of the  President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 students became winners of the state award «Zulfiya», there are winners of the  «Nikhol» award, winners of the state stipends named after Ulughbek, Navoi and Berdakh.

In 9 lecture halls videoprojectors are installed, conditions for use of modern information and pedagogical technologies at lectures are created. And also 7 lecture halls are equipped by cameras of video observation.

Now in academic-methodical department are employed: the head of the department, 5 methodologists and 3 dispatchers.

Responsibilities of academic-methodical department.

  • to provide execution of resolutions and instructions of higher bodies, decrees, orders of ministers;
  • to prepare for confirmation of curricula on majors of baccalaureate and  magistracy, worked out according to requirements of State standards and taking into account possibilities of university and industrial requirements;
  • to prepare for confirmation of working programs on the disciplines corresponding to the curriculum on majors of baccalaureate and  magistracy;
  • to make offers on faculty employment of the professorial-teaching staff  according to standard documents, determination of the staff  with the account of common university academic load and size of students;
  • to propose candidates of heads of the state attestation  commission to confirming in the Ministry;
  • to make offers on board of the state attestation commissions and  control of their activity;
  • to study  maintenance of students with textbooks, manuals and other literatures on blocks in curricula according to State standard;
  • to control maintenance of all subjects included in the curriculum, academic-methodical complexes both their supplementation and improvement;
  • to control carrying out of assessment of employment of students on rating system and introduction of kinds of written works in rating system and their improvement;
  • to elaborate annual and  planned schedule of increasing of academic degree and qualifications of the professorial-teaching staff;
  • to prepare and present to Scientific council materials on opening of new departments, faculties, majors;
  • to hold certification of  laboratorians together with personnel department under the guidance of the Vice-rector of academic affairs;
  • to supervise preparation of dean’s offices, departments to new academic year;

It is necessary to notice that reforms carried out by the state in spheres of education are directed to  creation of relevant conditions for acquisition of profound knowledge and practical skills on speciality. Our purpose is to give the youth the chance to use  knowledge and skills effectively for welfare of Motherland.

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