Center for digital education technologies | Karakalpak state university

Center for digital education technologies


Head of the Center for digital education technologies:

Reimbaev Alisher Kadirbaevich


At university «the Center of information technology» for the purpose of expansion of using  modern computer and information technologies in all scientific and educational departments   have been  organised.

  The basic directions of work of the centre:

  • Making  and support of information and computer infrastructures at university.
  • Inculcation of information technology in educational process, creation of electronic libraries and management of educational process on the basis of information departments.
  • Creation of possibilities of using by the professorial teaching staff, competitors   and students the Internet and scientific national networks.
  • to Support interrelation and to conduct joint work with foreign and republican educational institutions on problems of remote training, on new information technologies.
  • Making  programs and manuals on information technologies and remote training.
  • Carrying out of seminars, conferences and meetings concerning information technology and remote training.
  • Organize management on local networks of university.
  • Management and development of testing at  university together with IRC.

Use of new pedagogical technologies in an education system. For realisation of remote training bases of computer system are created. Here are used 599 Pentium IV and modern computers, 516 connectors of computers and the local network with a speed 100 mb/с works.

Structure of the Center for digital education technologies:

Head of the Center for digital education technologies: Reimbaev Alisher

I. Network management department

1. Head of Department- Quanishbaev Shingizxan

2. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category-

3. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Arzieva Rano

4. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Allaniyazov Qaharman

5. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Jumabekov Aybek

6. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Iskenderov Timur

7. Network Administrator- Sultanov Ansatbay

8. Technical 2- category- Erlepesova Saltanat

9. Content Manager- Dospanova Gulchexra

II. Department of Implementation of Digital Educational Systems

1. Head of Department- Sherniyazov Sharap

2. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Serjanova Guljahan

3. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Djuginisova Saltanat

4. System Administrator- Reymova Lazzet

5. Web Designer- Nukusbaev Naurizbek

6. Content Manager- Xojamuratova Ariwxan

III. Technical Support Department

1. Head of Department- Allambergenov Azamat

2. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Qalilaeva Aitolgan

3. Engineer-programmer of the 1-category- Qidirniyazova Gulnaz

4. Head of the computer room- Nazarxanov Tanatar

5. Engineer electronic (1- category)- Turjanova Raisa

IV. Information Security Department

1. Head of Department- Sarsenbaev Miyirbek

2. Network Administrator- Tajetdinov Baxtiyar

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