Specialized Council | Karakalpak state university

Specialized Council

Activity of scientific councils

Scientific Council of DSc27.06.2017.Fil.20.01 at the Karakalpak State University is approved by the Decree of the HAC No 86 dated 2017.

The scientific council is allowed to take the dissertation defense on philological subjects such as 10.00.03 – Karakalpak language and 10.00.12 – Karakalpak literature specialty. Also according to the Resolution of the Chairman of the HAC No.180 of June 28, 2018 was allowed to create a scientific council and to defend for the specialty 10.00.05 – Language and Literature of Asia and Africa (Kazakh).

The scientific council was created which consists of 13 members (Sh.Abdinazimov – the head of scientific council, K.Allambergenov – deputy head, T.Keruzov – secretary of the department, members – M.Ayimbetov, Q.Jarimbetov, M.Kudaybergenov, G.Garlibayeva, Yu.Ibragimov, Orazimbetov, K.Gurambaev, S.Ruzimboev, Z.Dusimov, Z.Bekbergenova).

Newly approved scientific research works: on January 12, 2018, the independent researcher of the Department of Karakalpak literature of the Kyrgyz Republic, J.O. Kanyiyazova’s “The skill of character creation in Sh.Seytov’s novels (on the example of ” Khalqabad ” novel-tetralogy), on April 30, 2018, the basic doctorate of the Department of Karakalpak literature of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute P.A.Dabylov” The Characteristics of the Lyric Hero of Karakalpak Poetry. Maturatov and K.Rahmanov’s story), on September 14, 2018 the doctorate of the Karakalpak department of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute G.J. Mambetova’s dissertations on the hydrological sciences of the northern districts of Karakalpakstan were defended at the Scientific Council for doctoral dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology.

On October 22, 2018, the Karakalpak State University’s philological faculty (Kazakh language), based on the Resolution No.180 dated June 28, 2018, issued a permit for the creation and protection of a scientific council from the specialization of the Language and Literature of the Asian and African Nations (Kazakh) , the senior teacher of the chair of “Turkmen language” G. Adilova, on the theme “Linguistic analysis of ethnographies of Kazakhs who lives in Karakalpaktan”, October 22, 2018, senior lecturer of Kazakh language and literature chair Nukus State Pedagogical Institute I.Quttymuratova The dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on philological sciences on the “Kazakh dialects of the Kungrad area of ​​the Republic of Karakalpakstan” was defended at the one-time Scientific Council for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences.

In 2018, five (PhD) and one PhD in 2019 defended PhD dissertations.

During the work of the Scientific Committee in 2018, the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) was not disseminated and was not considered.

In 2019, it is planned to defend a total of one doctors of sciences and 7 (PhD) dissertations at the Scientific Council.

From September 28, 2018 the Scientific Council on pedagogical sciences №28.12.2017.Ped.58.01 has been transferred from Nukus State Pedagogical Institute to our university.

The scientific council consists of 13 people (Sh.Abdinazimov – the head of scientific council, K.Allambergenov – deputy head, T.Keruzov – secretary of the department, members – M.Ayimbetov, Q.Jarimbetov, M.Kudaybergenov, G.Garlibayeva, Yu.Ibragimov, Orazimbetov, K.Gurambaev, S.Ruzimboev, Z.Dusimov, Z.Bekbergenova) were created.

In 2018, three council seekers, one in 2019 defended their doctoral dissertations.

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