Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages | Karakalpak state university

Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages

Since 1976-1977 academic year Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages was organized in order to provide training English, German and Latin languages in all faculties. Since the organization of the Department for many years, the department was headed by experienced teachers, such as associate professor P. Bekimbetov, K. A. Ismayilov, E. Kunnazarov, A. Kurbanbaev, G. Nuribetova, O. Ibragimov, G. Tleumuratov. Veterans of Labor and senior teachers of the department, such as T. Dosanov, E. Bazarbaev, N. Mudryakova, I. Zameshaeva, Z. Urinbaeva, Z. Sultanova, Z. Nisanova, A. Yusupova who brought up the generation of young professionals.

In 1991-1994 the department of Foreign languages was headed by A. Kurbanbaev, and later in 1994-1995 by the associate professor G. Nurimbetova.

In 1995-1996, the department was divided into the Department of Foreign Languages for the natural-economic faculty, which was headed by O. Ibragimov and the Department of Foreign Languages for humanities faculties, which was run by G. Tleumuratov. In 1996, the head of the department was O. Torebaev and he chaired the department until 2005.

In 2005 Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages combined with the chair of English language and renamed into the Department of English Philology. Until January 2006 the Chair was headed by a senior lecturer J. Kurbanbaev.

From 2006 to 2007 the Department of English Philology was supervised by the senior teacher G. Bekbergenova.

In 2007-2008 the senior lecturer A. Tajieva was appointed as the head of the Department of English Philology. In accordance with the requirement of order  №159 “Regulations on the Departments of universities” approved by the Ministry on  May 30 2008 and the decision of the Academic Council of the University Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages was organized and associate professor A. Khojaniyazova headed this department from 2008 to 2015.

Since November 2015 associate professor D. Kubeysinova supervises the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages.

At present Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages conducts practical classes on English in all directions of bachelor’s degree in 10 faculties of the university.

Every year the teachers of the department take active part in the Republican and international scientific conferences with their scientific articles and theses. Thus, the teachers of the department J. Taspanova, R. Eshchanova, Z. Moldahmetova published articles in the International Scientific and Practical Journal “Theory and Practice of modern science”, R. Habipova in the magazine “Scope Academic House 7th International Conference Science and Practice” and   “Social Science and Humanities”, A. Embergenova and M. Kalabaeva published scientific articles in the International scientific journal “AETERNA”.

For the last 3 years the teachers of the department have published 2 monographs, 1 textbook and 15 manuals, more than 50 scientific articles and theses.

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