Academician Shavkat Ayupov conducts lectures at our University | | Karakalpak state university

Academician Shavkat Ayupov conducts lectures at our University

From early centuries our country is considered to be the country of developed education and science and it is also famous in the world with its remarkable talented scientists. Our great ancestors – scientists contributed much to the development of mathematics along with other sciences.

Nowadays the scientists – mathematicians of our country have created their own scientific schools and make our country famous in the world.

Shavkat Ayupov is a world – known and outstanding scientist – mathematician, Doctor of Physical – Mathematical Science, Professor, Academician, Honored Science Worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the First – Level Laureate of the State Reward in the sphere of Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Today Director of the Institute of Mathematics named after I.V.Romanovsky of Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Ayupov has come to Karakalpak State University on purpose of  conducting lectures for the students of  Physical and Mathematical Faculty.

First, during the meeting, Academician Sh.Ayupov and Rector of our University A.Reymov exchanged opinions on development of scientific and other cooperative work between the Institute of Mathematics named after I.V.Romanovsky of Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Karakalpak State University. 

Academician Sh.Ayupov’s scientific interests cover the complex and actual problems of the theory of operator algebra, non-communicative integration, Jordan and Lee structures in operator algebra, differentiation and automorphism, the structural theory of Leibniz algebra and other non-associative algebras.

On April 18 – 20, 2019 Academician Shavkat Ayupov will conduct lectures on actual problems of operator algebra for the advanced students and masters of Physical and Mathematical Faculty of Karakalpak State University.

Of course, at our University conducting lectures by such outstanding scientist gives good results in acquiring profound knowledge in science and education of our students.


master student of KSU.

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