Information Resource Center awarded books | | Karakalpak state university

Information Resource Center awarded books

The fund of the University’s information resource center is periodically replenished with monographs, textbooks, teaching aids created by university professors and teachers.

Recently, the book “Fizika iliminin’ tariyxi menen xronologiyasi” (“History and Chronology of Physics”) of the publishing house “Miraziz Nukus” LLC, whose authors are B.Abdikamalov, M.Tagaev, R.Khozhanazarova was published.

The teaching aid includes the history and chronology of physics from ancient times to the present. The training manual provides information on the evolution of views on the world and nature, physical laws, a chronology of discovery and the laws of theories and principles.

In order to replenish the above information on the Nobel Prize winners in physics, as well as information on the award procedure, are given in Karakalpak and English.

The author of the book, Professor B.Abdikamalov, presented to the University’s Information Resource Center 10 books as a gift.

In turn, we express our gratitude to the authors of the book, and wish success in scientific and creative work.

Zuhra Imalatdinova,

Information Resource Center Specialist.

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