CONGRATULATIONS! | | Karakalpak state university


We sincerely congratulate Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor of the English Language and Literature Department Seytova Damegul Utarbayevna on the achievements of her students: the 1-year student of master’s department Ibragimova Nazokat on the theme “This funny English”, the 4-year student of the English Language and Literature Department Keulimjaeva Gulmira on the theme “Country Studies. Great Britain”, the 4-year student of the English Language and Literature Department Reymova Gulchekhra on the theme “Holidays of Great Britain”, the 1-year student of the English Language and Literature Department Saparova Dilbar on the theme “Do you know Great Britain?” have been awarded with Diploma of the First Level of the International Internet – Olympiad on the English Language organized by the International Pedagogical Portal “Sunlight”.

We wish them success in their further work and studies.

Toleubayeva Aliya,

teacher of the English Language and Literature Department.

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