In order to improve the quality of teaching chemistry and biology in secondary schools | | Karakalpak state university

In order to improve the quality of teaching chemistry and biology in secondary schools

In order to improve the quality of continuing education and the effectiveness of science in the field of chemistry and biology, professors of the Department of “General Biology and Physiology” of the Faculty of Biology of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh on February 9 at the meeting of citizens was at No. 8 General High School.

 G.Dosjanova and G.Nurekeeva, professors of the Department of General Biology and Physiology, talked to the teachers of this school about the work done in advance and in collaboration.

 G.Dosjanova and G.Nurekeeva, assistants of the Department of General Biology and Physiology, conducted a master class for 11th grade students on biology. various tests have been given in preparation for university entrance exams.

 Meetings were held with the graduating students of these schools, who were acquainted with the message of the President to the population and the news about education. Students were given a broad understanding of higher education and enrollment.

   The director of the school R. Shamuradov said that in order to implement the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Karakalpak State University was closed at the Department of General Biology and Physiology, Faculty of Biology.

 In order to improve the quality of teaching chemistry and biology in secondary schools, to jointly prepare textbooks on biology, to involve biology teachers in research work, to write articles, theses, to conduct joint scientific work and to conceal scientific supervisors in them.

 Keeping in touch with local schools in need of such support will increase the interest and skills of students there. This is in line with the developments made by our President.


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