"A seminar training of the El YURT Foundation has been held" | | Karakalpak state university

“A seminar training of the El YURT Foundation has been held”

     TODAY THE KARAKALPAKSTAN REPUBLIC BOARD OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ART OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN EL YURT Foundation has organized a seminar-training in the conference hall! The purpose of the seminar is to show how to use the opportunities created by the El Yurt Foundation for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students studying at the University to continue their doctoral studies abroad. This seminar was attended by active students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology who received answers to their questions. The seminar was attended by professors and students of the University. The guest from Tashkent J.Akhmedov made an impression on the audience with his presentation and aroused the interest to study abroad. We invite you to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the El Yurt Foundation!

Kuzdibaeva Nilufar

2nd year student

 of the Faculty of Chemical Technology



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