"Young people aspiring to great goals" | | Karakalpak state university

“Young people aspiring to great goals”

   Everyone has a purpose in life and he tries to achieve this goal and earnestly achieves his goal. If a person’s future depends on how good his life is, if he acts well now, his future will be good.

   A number of young people with such intentions came to our University to get acquainted with our University. – “We intend to study at this University”, – say the 11th grade graduates of School No.33 from Kegeyli district. The chemistry and physics lab rooms located in our main building were the first to be introduced to students who wanted to study at our University, as well as the most modern equipment. After that, they were shown a source of information of our University and introduced to the extensive possibilities in our library. They saw the opportunities created in the library and everyone wanted to use such libraries. As they became more and more acquainted with our University, many young people saw with their own eyes the opportunities to study here. We wish everyone a happy day as a student.


Kuzdibaeva Nilufar

2nd year student

Faculty of Chemical Technology


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