There are defenses of qualification papers at the Department of English Language and Literature | | Karakalpak state university

There are defenses of qualification papers at the Department of English Language and Literature

On June 13 of this year, the Faculty of foreign languages held the defense of the qualification work of graduates in the field of foreign language and literature Bachelor’s degree in English language and literature. In the process of protection, professor teachers of the Faculty of foreign languages, senior teacher of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute candidate of philological Sciences G.Usenova, head of the Department of English language and literature, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Z.Uteshova, candidate of philological Sciences, docent G.Nurimbetova, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent R.Scientific leaders of Havipova and graduates took part.

Each student gave detailed information about the work carried out on graduation work, the relevance of the diploma work, the identified problems and the proposals presented to them, the results of the experiment-test, the content of the chapters, the list of used literature, conclusions and proposals.
Members of the state Attestation Commission assessed the qualification work of graduates on the basis of the requirements of the established regulations, the relevance of the information collected, the identified problems and the rationality of the proposals submitted to them, as well as other areas.

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