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We are proud of them! | | Karakalpak state university

We are proud of them!

The “Book Lovers” Club of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh has been functioning since its establishment for more than 2 years.

During these two years, our Club held numerous literary evenings, meetings, promotions and book presentations.

The “Book Lovers” Club organizes events not only with students of our University, but also together with lovers of books in the region, and precisely because of this, interest in reading books among the youth of our future increases.

Charity events are also held. For example, the action “We present books to the House of Mercy” is held three times a year: on New Year’s Eve, Nawruz and on June 1 – “International Children’s Day”, when we donate books to pupils of the orphanage No. 1 of the Khojeli region. Everyone at the “Book Lovers” Club is a book lover, they are always engaged in exchanging opinions about books, discussing books they have read, and stories about heroes. This means that young people are interested in assessing the heroes they like of the books they read.

The members of our Club enthusiastically take an active part in every competition and quiz. For example, at the Nukus city stage of the recent contest “Young Book Lover”, members of our Club, the students of Foreign Languages Faculty, Babaniyazov Shynybay took the 1st place, Tazhimuratova Manzura took the 2nd place. The prize-winner of the 1st place Babaniyazov Shynybai will participate in the next stage of the contest “Young Book Lover” of Republic of Karakalpakstan. We hope he will get a “Spark”!

Another news is that the activists of the “Book Lovers” Club, the students of Karakalpak Philology Faculty Z. Kalbayeva and Yu. Koblanova became the holders of the Berdakh scholarship. We are proud of our Club and its active and well-educated students and invite all young people to the “Book Lovers” Club!


Head of the Club “Book Lovers”.

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