In Love with Her Land | | Karakalpak state university

In Love with Her Land

This year marks the 60th anniversary of Gulistan Dauletova. The owner of high talent, enriches Karakalpak literature with her beautiful poetry, built on deep inner feelings, which calls for beauty, good breeding, creation of good deeds and awakens feelings of kindness, justice and courage.

On this occasion, on November 14 of this year, at the Palace of Culture of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, a literary evening called “In Love with Her Land” was held.

The event was led by University Rector Akhmed Reymov.

Head of the Writers Union of Karakalpakstan K.Karimov, Head of the “Nuraniy” Foundation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Sh.Usnatdinov, poet B.Genzhemuratov, PhD, Associate Professor P.Allambergenova and others made a speech, as well as expressed opinions on the poetess’s activities and her place in Karakalpak literature.

Gulistan Dauletova takes part in the republican newspapers and magazines with her poems, journalistic articles, as well as a number of scientific and artistic essays. Her scientific books were published, such as “Azhiniyaz poesiyasinda dastur ham zhanashylylk”, “Azhiniyaz poezysynda rukhiy derekler”, “Rukhilyk – Adebiyat Olshemi” (1998), “Insan taribyasi balalyktan baslanada” (1999), as well as such poems like “Senin Dartin Menen Zhasayman, Hayal!” (2001), “Kiz Takhtym” (2009), “Guzgi Tolganislar” (2012). And in 2007, her book “Ael Ishki” was published in the city of Tashkent in the Uzbek language.

In addition, the collection of poems by the poetess “Guzgi Tolganislar” won the 3 prize place at the Uzbekistan annual contest “The Best Collection of Poems”. Her poems are translated into foreign languages and published in the form of books. At the same time, the works of the poetess take prize 1, 2 places in the contest “Uzbekistan is my homeland”.

The scientific and artistic works of the member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gulistan Dauletova were adequately appreciated by our government. In 2019, our honorable President of the Republic awarded the poetess with the Order of Dustlik.

The evening continued with a concert program prepared by the masters of art of the republic, the national ensemble “Khurliman” of the University.

                                                                                                           Press service.

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