Collaboration and exchange of experience | | Karakalpak state university

Collaboration and exchange of experience

Guided by the cooperation program between Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh and the National University of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi, on December 2-6 of this year, Professor of Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law and Management Law of National University of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Sciences Alua Ibraeva conducted master – classes and lectures on disciplines “State and Law”, “Management Procedures” for students of the Faculty of Law of Karakalpak University.

For information, Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan took the 206th place among the 800 best universities in the world according to the study by the UK International Rating Agency (QS).

On December 3, six students of the faculty participated in the online Olympiad held under Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan on the subject “Legal framework of the anti-corruption struggle” and took 1, 2, 3 places in the first round among 17 universities.                                                                                   


                                                                                            Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of Law Faculty.

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