A special video portal with video lessons for students has been launched | | Karakalpak state university

A special video portal with video lessons for students has been launched

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education launched the video portal on TAS-IX to remotely maintain the level of knowledge of students during the holidays.

This video portal regularly hosts video tutorials created by the most qualified university professors in the country.

It should be noted that to date, the ministry has launched a special channel @eduuz_online on the Telegram social network, which includes video tutorials to remotely maintain students’ knowledge during the holidays.

In addition, in cooperation with the UzReport TV channel, the “Teledars” (tvlesson) program is being broadcast for students of academic lyceums.

Also, on March 23, the Ministry and the TV channel “Mening Yurtim 5” (MY5) began television lessons on English and Psychology.

Source: Official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education:

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