Seminar "Important issues of modern linguistics" | | Karakalpak state university

Seminar “Important issues of modern linguistics”

On April 18, 2024 at Karakalpak State University, the department of English Linguistics of the faculty of Foreign Languages held a round table devoted to important issues of modern linguistics.

The head of the department ,associate professor Djoldasova Gawhar Batirbaevna made an opening speech. During the round table not only important issues  of modern linguistics ,but also further development of interuniversity cooperation , the intensification of academic exchange, the implementation of joint research projects which are of mutual interest were discussed. Experts from various countries such as Russian Federation G.R. Galiullina, professor of “Tatar linguistics” department of Kazan Federal University, from Kazakhstan Republic:R.F. Djusupova associate professor of L.Gumilev Eurasian National University, Turlybekov B.D, candidate of social sciences, Abjet Bakhyt Uly, associate professor of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khojakhmet Yasaviy shared and discussed their new perspectives in terms of these issues in modern linguistics around the round table. Moreover, associate professors of the department  Khadjieva D, Djoldasova G, DjumambetovaD, Adimova N.and Kokanova N., the Laureate of Zulfiya State Prize and  other doctoral,master’s students also participated with their speeches.

 The event, organized by the Department, served as a crucible for intellectual exchange, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. With topics spanning from innovative technology and innovation to linguistics and the seminar provided a platform for attendees to engage in robust discussions and share insights from diverse perspectives.

Associate professor Djoldasova G. B.

Senior teacher Kalabaeva M.




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